Monday, November 2, 2015


I labeled this email as "Halloween" with a question mark because I am gonna be honest... I totally missed Halloween. I went to bed on Saturday night, and then I realized that the next day was November 1st. That led me to realize that I had let Halloween totally just blow by me. So... Happy late Halloween! :)

Transfers were this week, and I am now with Sister Capener. She is seriously adorable. Her faith is something that I haven't seen from many missionaries yet, and I won't let it dim even a little during our transfers together. I am going to let her fire spread to me, and hopefully to others as well. She is amazing and I have already learned so much from her. She is a fairly new missionary still, having only been in Korea for three months. She has still has greenie fire, and I am hoping to catch some of it. :)

So I got a bit of a surprise call from President Morrise this last week. Our sweet Sister Training Leader went home last week because of some unfortunate family occurrences, and that left Incheon Zone without a Sister Training Leader. During a family history meeting at our church, our phone started buzzing and I looked down to see President Morrise's name on the Caller ID. I tapped Sister Capener and we walked out into the hallway to answer it. During the phone call, President Morrise just asked me a few simple questions about my health, and said that he had been thinking about me. I politely thanked him and then we ended the phone call. "That was kinda weird," I thought to myself. Then ten minutes later, I get another call from President Morrise that began with him telling me in Korean that God wanted me to be the new Incheon Zone Sister Training Leader. My jaw dropped as my heart was beating a million miles an hour, and Sister Capener laughed at my reaction. He then told me all the details about it and everything, and I accepted the assignment. So yeah, I am the Sister Training Leader of our zone now, and I have to give a training in front of our zone on Thursday. I am kind of nervous, but excited too. Haha wish me luck. ;)

So this week we decided to put our faith to the test. We asked all three of the investigators we met with in they would be baptized. And one of them was a 100% English Interest only investigator that we were meeting with for the first time. Two of the three said that if they come to know that the gospel is true, they will get baptized. The English interest investigator said no, but was still willing to listen to our gospel message and help us with our Korean. She even thought we were kind of cute for trying so hard. But hey, none of the relationships with our investigators were ruined, and all three baptismal commitments ended in good things. God really does help us when we trust Him.:)

Also, since we have been trying to strengthen our faith, we have also been running into a lot of interesting situations on the streets. Satan knows what we are trying to do, and he is sending everyone he can send to stop us on our way. We ran into one lady who got literally an inch away from our faces and started yelling at us in very rude Korean about how "It's not the true gospel!" She wouldn't leave us, so we tried talking to some other people, but she kept following us. Kind of the creeps. I politely said "Go away" in Korean, and then said "Have a nice day." Finally she walked away, but she was the one defeated because I was nice to her even after she had yelled at us for five minutes. She turned around and glared at us, telling us once again that our gospel wasn't true, but we just smiled politely back. She muttered some more stuff and continued walking away. Then we ran into this guy who pointed to our church building (he didn't think we could speak Korean), so we nodded and said "yes, that is our church." He then waved his hand in our faces and said "No!" in English, then continued to repeat the Korean word for cult. I asked him why he thought that, but he just continued saying the words, "no" and "cult." We just let him go on his way. We know we are doing the right thing, because we have never experienced so much persecution. But hey, that's what happens when you act on your faith. :)

Love always, Sister Maughan

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